Hatred as a Moral and Ethical Conception in Russian Society


  • Алла Корлякова


Sems, Assessment Aspect, The Language World Picture, Moral And Ethical Conceptions, Hatred.


The present paper deals with the national specifics of the assessment aspect in the meaning of the words. A modern scientific paradigm considers the language as a cognitive tool of understanding the world and keeping and representing people’s experience and values which reflect the people’s vision of the world (“the world picture). Usually linguistics understands the language world picture as a way of understanding reality fixed in the language and typical of a given language group. One of the most important language world picture components is the category of assessment of a system of social and personal values objectified in language units. Problems of assessment exist at different language levels (morphological, lexical, syntactical).However, the national assessment specifics are still not studied enough. Since man’s world view is based on the assessment components of sense in the world picture, ignoring them makes it hard or impossible for representatives of different cultures to understand each other, which makes the research of sense assessment components and their variations in different societies an urgent problem. The article considers the results of a linguistic experiment aimed at finding shades of meaning and personal implications correlated with the word hatred in moral and ethical conceptions of Russian society. The analysis of the experiment results allowed us to partially reconstruct the world picture of the Russian culture representatives and reveal the phenomenon assessment aspect.


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How to Cite

Корлякова, А. (2017). Hatred as a Moral and Ethical Conception in Russian Society. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 5(2), 75–88. Retrieved from https://www.journaliarll.ir/index.php/iarll/article/view/article-1-118-en.html


