Ethnonymy as a mirror of the ethnic map of the region


  • Татьяна Сироткина


Ethnonyms, Discourse, Regional Picture Of The World, Ethnic Stereotypes.


The basic premise of the proposed study is that each person is aware of himself as part of a certain ethnos, and also identifies other people on the basis of ethnicity. An important role in this process is played by the category of ethnicity, under which the author of the article understands such a language as universal by means of which a person determines the belonging of himself and others to one or another ethnic group. In the article on the ethnonym of Perm Krai, the functioning of ethnonyms in different types of discourse is considered. The ethnonimicon of the business, scientific, dialectal, and artistic text is analyzed, ethnoanthroponyms and ethnotoponyms are considered which mirror the ethnohistorical processes that took place on the territory of the region. In conclusion, the conclusion is that the consideration of the functioning of ethnonyms in different types of discourse reflects the ethnic fragment of the regional picture of the world, allows one to draw conclusions about interethnic contacts of ethnoses of the investigated area, represents ethnic stereotypes and associations associated with representatives of different cultures.


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How to Cite

Сироткина, Т. (2017). Ethnonymy as a mirror of the ethnic map of the region. Issledovatel’skiy Zhurnal Russkogo Yazyka I Literatury, 5(2), 107–123. Retrieved from


